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types of business licenses

A list of Dubai’s business license types

types of business licenses

What factors do individuals consider while establishing a business in a city? World-class infrastructure, ease of doing business, a varied public, and a stable legal and political environment. If you’re seeking for a city with all of these benefits and more, Dubai is the place to be. The global shift in interest in entrepreneurship can be witnessed as startups have become the new standard. However, there are procedures you must follow in order to have a seamless company experience, the most significant of which is concerning business licenses. You may quickly register for a business license in Dubai and start doing business in the city of gold.

Businesses that follow the norms and regulations of doing business in the city are more likely to become well-known and recognized. After all, you don’t want to get off on the wrong foot and end yourself in trouble with the authorities.

In Dubai, there are many types of business licenses.

Dubai is without a doubt one of the most popular business destinations. Having a base in the city has certain advantages. Not only does having a business in Dubai appear nice on paper, but it may also serve as your entry point into the rest of the UAE. All of this is only feasible if you have a Dubai business license. You should also be informed of Dubai’s real estate infraction system to prevent getting into issue with the authorities.

In Dubai, there are many sorts of business licenses that might vary based on the nature of your firm.  
We’ve put up a guide to help you secure a business license in Dubai.  
The following are the several types of business licenses available in Dubai:

Commercial business license in Dubai

Individuals or corporations seeking to participate in commercial activities such as trading commodities, products, and services in Dubai must get a commercial business license. Before applying for this license, you must select what sort of activity you wish to engage in. This license permits enterprises to conduct operations both within and outside of the Emirates.

When registering their firm with the different mainland, free zones, or offshores, investors must pick a certain business licence. The following businesses are eligible for a commercial business license:

  • Trading in Furniture
  • Trading in media and publishing equipment
  • Trading in oil and gas
  • Trading in spare components
  • Trading in gold and precious metals
  • Trading in chemicals
  • Trading in automobiles
  • Trading in safety equipment

Professional business license in Dubai

Individuals who want to start a business in their subject of interest are issued a business professional license in Dubai. The individual’s educational history and intellectual talents are useful in obtaining this license since all of these factors are considered when awarding the license. A civil rights firm can be formed if the company has more than one owner.

This category includes the following companies:

  • Consultancy in insurance
  • Computer assistance
  • Consultancy in information technology
  • Accounting services
  • Environmental consulting services
  • Marketing assistance
  • Management advising

Industry license in Dubai

Another important sort of company license in Dubai is an industrial license. Warehouses are a crucial aspect of many companies, and renting one in Dubai shouldn’t be too difficult because the city has various warehouses to pick from.

Firms that manufacture goods and products are granted an industrial license. To be eligible for an industrial license, the firm must have a physical office in Dubai. The following sorts of enterprises typically seek for an industrial license:

  • Manufacturers of clothing
  • Manufacturers of furniture and wood items
  • Manufacturers of meat products
  • Manufacturers of dairy products
  • Manufacturers of carpets
  • Manufacturers of bird and pet food

If you are starting a business and need a warehouse, you may search through these warehouses for rent in Dubai to choose the perfect one for you.

Freelance permit in Dubai

Freelance permit in Dubai

Another common business license in Dubai is a freelancing permit. Specialists who offer their skills in addition to their full-time work in Dubai apply for a freelance business license. These permits are often targeted towards experienced professionals in the fields of art, media, technology, and entertainment who provide consulting services. In general, freelance licenses are given to the following professionals:

  • Actor
  • Animator
  • Copywriter
  • developer of content
  • Professional in the media
  • Artist in digital media

License for Dubai e-trader

Individuals with an E-trader license in Dubai can conduct business utilizing their social media profiles. This license allows home entrepreneurs to offer their products. The E-trader license can only be awarded to one person. The license also forbids the bearer from opening a store or issuing visas. The DED website is where you may apply for an E-trade license.

Agricultural license in Dubai

Individuals or enterprises active in the production or harvesting of grains, fruits, or vegetables are awarded an agricultural license. You may also seek for this business license in Dubai if your organization provides services such as greenhouse or irrigation system installation, pesticide commerce, fish farming, or agricultural enhancement. Fulfilling all legal responsibilities and delivering quality services will help your agricultural company become one of Dubai’s top farms to visit.

Dubai business license for handcraft

Individuals who practice a skill for a living are granted a craftsman business license. This license is open to plumbers, carpenters, electricians, blacksmiths, and others. Companies that hire artisans must apply for this license through the Dubai Economy and Tourism Department (DED).

Dubai tourist business permit

Dubai is a major tourist destination worldwide, and a tourism business license is one of the most common forms of company licenses in Dubai. A tourism business licence is provided to companies that provide services such as hotel rental, boat rental, restaurants, tourist camps, and any other tourism-related services.

Obtaining a business license in Dubai

All forms of company licenses in Dubai are primarily administered by the Dubai Economy and Tourism Department (DED). DED, in addition to awarding business licenses, prepares and implements programs to support the city’s long-term growth.

However, if a firm plans to open in a free zone, the free zone authorities will provide the necessary licenses.

Documents necessary in Dubai for the granting of business licenses

The paperwork necessary for various sorts of company licenses in Dubai may fluctuate based on the licensing organization. However, the following are the typical documents needed for a company license in Dubai:

  • Certificate of trademark
  • Certificate of first approval
  • Using the Ejari online capability, RERA and Dubai Municipality attested the Tenancy Agreement.
  • Association Memorandum (Applicable for One Person Company, LLCs, Simple Limited Partnership, Private and Public Shareholding Companies, Civil Company or Partnership)
  • Agreement with a Local Service Agent (Applicable when a UAE national represents your business with regards to compliance and licensing)
  • Approval from government authorities (Applicable to certain business types)

For the most recent updates and more information, please visit the official DED website.

This concludes our overview to the many forms of company licenses in Dubai. Every business owner wants to see their company thrive, and Dubai is one of the best places to get started. You may easily follow the rules to operate legally in the city by registering your firm and meeting all Dubai business license criteria. Failure to do so might result in significant fines and the liquidation of a firm. You should also be aware of the hidden costs of renting in Dubai in order to better arrange your money.

If you are beginning a business in Dubai and require a rental property, you may go through these commercial properties for rent in Dubai and choose the one that best suits your needs.

If you wish to acquire a commercial property and establish a company from home, go through these commercial properties for sale in Dubai.

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AR is a word at heart, despite being a minimalist at heart. He is always looking for new topics to write about.

This Blog is provided solely for educational reasons, including broad information and a general comprehension of its content, including related laws and regulations, and is not intended to give particular legal advice. The Blog is not intended to replace competent advice from a registered expert.

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